Tuesday, 31 January 2012

This young me:

The hardest thing with being a youngster
    Is trying to find your north pole
To find out what makes you tick.
Trying to strike an equilibrium between what you wanna
Convince your heart to be right ,
& what is actually differentially right.
To shape your path, to predict & know What for sure
You want as part of your destiny.
To shape your line of thought
To be in synchrony with your inspired dreams
& to create a state that enables their accomplishment.

Dreams do indeed come true,
What we desire does indeed almost always come to pass.
So look for that which you dream of & work towards it.
Learn to let first things come first &
Don’t start a job you don’t intend to accomplish.
Let what you start be well thought & strive for it
With all the passion you can muster!
Have a splendid day!