After the laughter & thrill of the day had died down, I lay in bed, having flashbacks on the day that was coming to an end. Right there, a feeling of realization began to sink in. Life is fragile. You have it now and the next second its gone. I remembered standing in the water, my feet barely touching the slippery rocks beneath, yet the water went way above my head. I was running short of air and with every desperate gasp, I took in a mouthful of dam water and a cluster of bubbles filled up above me.
I wasn't afraid or shaken. Maybe I was too numb with fright or maybe I knew I would make it out alive. A sense of courage, calmness, persistence and resilience engulfed me. I made another dive and kept swimming towards the bank. I could hear Eric shouting at the top of his voice, scared as hell, urging me on and I felt myself force a smile. It was too bright a day to mess it up. Right arm up and into the water, then left arm up and into the water, paddling my feet continuously while at it. I was beginning to feel the rhythm when he grabbed me at the waist from behind and in a jiffy, my head was above the water. I gasped. It was Mel, composed as he always was. He swam effortlessly with dexterity as he carried me to the bank.
We lingered at the edge of the rocks in silence. A combination of relief and disbelief. Taking time to regain composure, I sat there lazily feeling the sun's rays hit my skin. It felt warm and alive. When the silence finally broke, we laughed about it with Eric and Tabz half-thankful that I was safe and half-scolding me. I knew it would be a long time coming before they let me forget. But am as sure as day I will certainly not need reminding.
Mel sat an arm's length away still in deep thought. He was visibly shivering and said the water gave him chills. It was icy I agree. But more so, I believe he understood my experience on a deeper level. A feeling that am only beginning to understand tonight as I type this note in my bed. That life is precious. I'm still to get over all that was, but I did make a promise to myself tonight, that am not doing anything crazy in the woods anytime soon and am going back to my swimming classes asap. That's where I pen off n say goodnight.
Love always,
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